Thursday, November 10, 2016

August, September and October

Wow, how did three months get away from me like that. I know where October went to, three weeks of that was spent in hospital but that's no excuse for August and September.


Lady Godiva by Golden Kite. This is the start of a large project that will take me a long time to do. It's been in my stash for ages and I found a Golden Kite SAL so I decided to finally start it. Then I had to put it away so that I could concentrate on my class work. I'm hoping it will come back out in 2017.

This is the Picture this Plus fabric from the sale. I love both of the fabrics. On the right is Sterling in 14 count Aida for Hedgehog House. The fabric on the left is Majestic in 28 count Cashel for Sockeye. I'm hoping to kit them up with the floss in 2017 and maybe have two more new starts.

This is Chocolate, Chocolate and more Chocolate from Heaven and Earth Designs (HAED). This was another new start for a HAED challenge. I didn't get the challenge finished because of ending up in hospital and being way behind on my class work. Hopefully this will get some love in 2017 as well.

These are my first purchased needleminders. I hope this isn't a new addiction but I loved the owls. They're from True North Needleminders. They have really strong magnets and I highly recommend them. They've all been put to use. They're very necessary on my canvaswork projects.

This is What a Nice Pear by Diane Scott. I'm almost finished the pear outlines. This is another project that's been put aside until my class is over. I was hoping to finish it so I could use the leftover threads for sample stitches but it didn't happen.

 I received some fantastic stash from my secret stitcher. My stepfather collects Hummel figurines so I'm going to make that pattern for him and my mom.

Collection of supplies mostly for my coursework.

The start of a peacock card for my aunt as a thank you for two of her bird paintings and a large supply of craft stash she was getting rid of.

A few of my sample stitches for my class.


More stash from my secret stitcher. I'm hoping I might get the angel started for Christmas.

I also received the Collective Stitch book and fabric that I won from The Stitchers Village and three patterns I bought with points I won at the bingo games.

I've joined the Stitch from Stash challenge for the first half of 2017. I've set a budget of $25 Canadian monthly for kitting up projects. Any money I don't spend in a month rolls over and I'll get credits for finishes. The challenge goes from January until June I believe but I may try going to the end of the year. There hasn't been much money for stash buying anyway and 2017 is shaping up to be a challenging year.

We're almost at Rememberance Day as I'm writing this. I've been home from the hospital for two weeks. I'm still receiving IV treatments at home daily for the antibiotics and there is a vac dressing on my ankle which means I'm attached to a second machine that I need to carry around. The IV is supposed to be done by the beginning of December and my leg is healing well so I'm hoping to be rid of that machine soon as well. 

I hope Rememberance Day is meaningful for you and I hope to post again before Christmas.